Buy stable doors straight from the factory and guarantee you're buying at the most competitive rates around.
Buying directly from us gives you the flexibility to offer your customers a wide range of stable doors, in three different suites, and also gives you the confidence that you are buying from a dedicated supplier and as such buying at the most competitive prices around.
Quality is assured with various accreditations. Price is assured because we are a stable door manufacturer.
Our stable doors are manufactured using our three standard suites: 2500 Chamfered, 2800 Decorative and 3000 Zendow. Giving you the flexibility to offer three different suites and a wide range of styles. Available in the normal 40 colour choices and 8 standard colours and able to utilise a vast range of glass styles and patterns, and panel styles, colours and patterns. The stable door kit of choice for us allows us to take pretty much any of our standard doors and manufacture them in the stable door styles.